Meetup Recap : Product Release Overview Session

A big thank you to the team that joined the Community Event on 2nd Aug 2023. The objective of the session was to showcase the latest features and enhancements of the Ushur product. Great participation from all of you to make this an engaging event. :clap:

Special mention to our guest speakers @svea.joaquino, @ruchir.thakkar and @santosh.talluri, for sharing their expertise and what the team has built along the way.

Please find the recording link of the Product Release Overview Session here (Passcode : ^F6W%pQ%)

Note : This forum is only accessible by Ushur Customers and the recording is privately listed, so please do not share this material externally.

Watch this space for the next Event (to be announced soon…)

@sreeja.vijay @vandana.rao @michael.fisher @anthony.lang